The House of Good Tones was founded in Srebrenica in 2011. 

Our friends from Bauern Helfen Bauern/BHB Foundation from Salzburg helped us to set a house where children and youth from the Srebrenica region will have access to high-quality educational, cultural, and entertaining programs, a house where everyone, irrespective of their ethnic, social, religious, or any other background will feel good spending time together and sharing experience and joy. Hundreds of children and young people from Srebrenica, Potočari, Bratunac, Skelani have participated in dozens of projects, concerts, travels and visits. Guests from all corners of the world have visited us and we have learned, sung and grown together. 

Our activities are divided into six programs – music, training, community engagement, lifestyle, voluntarism, film & literature.

We develop our social identities, learn to be a part of a group and function independently, we acquire skills to live the best versions of ourselves, we give our best to the community and take from the community what will helps us to develop ourselves in the best way.

In our house, we develop excellent choir, dancing and instrumental troupes, and offer good-quality contents to the youth and people of Srebrenica to improve their living environment with their participation. 

Regular music classes, educational workshops, travels, literary meetings, and film screenings are among our day-to-day activities and all together make our house a modern hub where young people freely develop, hang out together and learn from each other.

We are founded on the principles of multiethnicity and our mission is to offer children and youth of the Srebrenica region artistic, cultural, entertaining and training programs customized to their age and time in which they live. Our projects are innovative and we create them together with experts in different fields – from education to culture – which eventually has a positive impact on the community where we act. 

We meet parents on a regular basis; ask them what their children need and which knowledge and skills of their children need to be developed.

The Evaluation (2019) of our work was developed by university professors Ivana Zečević and Srđan Dušanić with mentorship of the Porticus Foundation and it shows that our existence is absolutely justified and that we have contributed to better inter-ethnic relations connecting children and young people, and their parents in the process of restoration of fundamental social values.

A few documentaries have been made about us with children and young people, citizens and our staff speaking of what we do in Srebrenica.


During our previous efforts, among others, our house received the following awards and recognitions: 

  • Main prize – Fillipas Engel, Fillipas Engel Foundation Germany (Frankfurt) – Main prize for young Europeans (under 30) for extraordinary engagement in the cultural, social or environmental field;
  • Global Music Award, 2017 – Global Music Award – Top achievement in music for the video “Love People” (Global Peace Anthem);
  • Intercultural Achievement Award, 2018 – Federal Ministry for EUROPE, INTEGRATION AND FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA
  • Award of the Network for Building Peace in BiH.

As a result of our endeavours, Gerald Wirth, Director of the Vienna Boys Choir who has supported us since the beginning, was a guest in Srebrenica.  In partnership with the Vienna Boys Choir our house organised a series of concerts and projects, which we certainly consider as one of our greatest recognitions.


Joint concert at the castle of Slovenska Bistrica
15 May 2019.

On the occasion of the School of Pohorje Slovenska Bistrica School in Slovenia, the “House of good tones” from Srebrenica was invited as special guests.

On that occasion, two concerts were organized. One for pupils of the school, and the other in the castle of Slovenska Bistrica where, beside children from Srebrenica, choirs and dance groups from Slovenia had performance too.

Twith the cooperation between the two countries and two cities, is particularly pleased the Mayor of Slovenska Bistrica, Ivan Zagar, who said that this kind of socializing should continue.

In this way, the “House of Good Tones” extends regional cooperation, and after Croatia and Serbia, cooperation was also achieved with Slovenia.


Pjesma i kampanja “Love People”

The song and music video “Love People” were created for a regional humanitarian campaign “When hearts unite” helping schools which were damaged during catastrophic floods in 2014.

The organiser of the campaign is “Bauern helfen Bauern” Foundation, the chairperson of the foundation Doraja Eberle from Salzburg and children’s choir “Superar Srebrenica”, Ismar Porić, art director, who created the song “Love people” and the music video for humanitarian campaign “When hearts unite” together with 12 music stars from the region, in order to help schools which were damaged during floods in Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

After a successful tour of “Superara Srebrenica” in Switzerland, €10,000 were raised and donated to schools for reconstruction of the premises and purchasing equipment.


Hundreds of children and young people have participated in the activities of the House of Good Tones during one year. They come from Srebrenica and other towns and villages – Potočari, Bratunac, Skelani and Konjević Polje – that are not more than 80 kilometres away. All activities in the house are free of charge for all participants.

The House of Good Tones uses a total area of 800 m2, with ten staff members working there, while activities are carried out in six different programs.

There are also guest suites in the house accommodating 12 persons in total. The suites are provided to our guests, friends and all those who come to Srebrenica to participate in the creation of a better social environment for all its citizens.

A modern Multimedia Centre and a Library are available to our students. The Centre is open every day for them, regardless if they spend their time reading, being trained, attending workshops we organize or doing their own research – projects that are a part of their interests or school activities. Tanking to donations and volunteer activities of our beneficiaries, we have collected thousands of books where everyone can find something to read.



*“This publication (replace according to the document) has been produced with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED). Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of EED. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in this publication lies entirely with the author(s).”
**“Objavljivanje ovog (teksta, materijala, izvještaja…) je finansirano grantom Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Sjedinjenih Američkih Država (Department of State).  Mišljenja, nalazi i zaključci koji su ovdje navedeni pripadaju autorima i ne odražavaju nužno mišljenja, nalaze i zaključke Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.“

For more information about the donors please follow the link below:

More information


Donating you are helping our house to continue with its activities, to procure instruments, to transportation to rural communities, travels to concerts and daily meals for children who are attending our program.

Beneficiary / Account


Bank Institute / Bank

NLB Banka a.d.

Milana Tepića br. 4, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina





Bank Account

# 15642700